Monday, September 16, 2013

How I cure my pimples.

I do get few pimples when nearer to days of the month or due to my bad sleeping habits.
Alot have ask why do my pimples recover so fast and it don't seems to be very inflamed 
How I cure my pimples:

I apply cleansing mask on the targeted areas that I always have breakouts or clogs pores
Highly rec : ORIGINS Out of Trouble 
Apply area for 10 mins and cleanse off.
Been using this for more then 6 years!

After my pimples 'ripe' I will squeeze out the clog or pus  hence there will be open wound.
I will use 3M Nexcare Skin care Acne Patch.
It help to 'suck' put those unclean pus leftover and also you wont want to go outside or clog over a layer of make up on ur open wound pimple? That so disgusting if you do so, I will kill you!

Another rescuer for acne and pimples is
ORIGINS Spot remover!
 This small anti blemish gel is a resuer for those pimples/acne which are painful and big under your skin and dont seems to be 'ripping'.
Just apply a thin layer of this on the pimple/acne after cleansing your skin day and night, that painful bump will be SUCK out miraculously! 

None-less to maintain a healthy skin, its not about skincare only oso concern of what you eat and do.
Have a balanced diet & healthy lifestyle!
Replenish yourself with tons of Vitamins C!

My home cooked, I had always love cooking for my love ones.
My mum is a great cook my role model, she is able to cook most dishes that she tried before.
Mum's chili crab and  stew meat (lo ba) is to die for!
While me is more able to cook simple dishes,soups and bakery. 

My first attempt to Japanese Curry.

Its so easy! 
Get Japanese curry cube from supermarket I prefer the one with apple and honey giving a hint of sweetness too.

Main ingredients are : potato,carrot, white onions and chicken tight meat all diced.
And with the help of Happy call pot, I am able to cook all the procedure in just one pot!
Muahahaha call me tian cai!

and Ta da!!!~~
A very successful first attempt!  

I made scallop salad with wafu sauce too!

Joke of the day!
Hope you had start your Monday well with a smile!

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