Sunday, September 22, 2013

A packet of rice with the ML girls

A packet of rice.
A mini project with a thought to distribute meal box to low income needy residents and senior citizens who residing in rented 1 or 2 rooms flats. Just a simple thought of giving a free meal to low income needy residents and senior citizens in rented flat

Because sharing is love!

ML girls usual practices for birthday instead of buying expensive presents we decide to pool up the birthday funds and do something meaningful that creates great memories for us!
This time round is shijin birthday and she decided that we should do charity and she choosed A packet rice.  The day started with us gathering at the center and start the packing the bags for the senior citizen with the guidance of A packet of rice leaders.

We start up the ML Girls human production line.

Samantha's bf Jeremy join in the volunteer work with us too!

Me being the lor ti sor (bread aunties)

We never fail to pose for camera haha!
Our cute girl samantha she got #cutegirlproblems and shijin blending well with the purple bags!

Ta daaa!! A packet of delicious rice, drinks, instant coffee ,bread, kaya, cup noodles and biscuits!

We packed 140 bags within 1 hours we are just so amazing when we come together!

All luffters together with the girls make all the sweats worth!

Cute girl and Xin hui 

Getting ready to go to our appointed units to distribute the bags to senior citizens

By 11am, there are alot of  residents queuing up to collect their bag with then coupons given.
We are real happy to be able to see those smiles on their faces!

Us queuing up to distribute the bags to the residents!

See those smiles on everyone face!

That is a happy me!

Mission accomplished!

Sharing is love!
Having to bring a smile to a stranger face will give you a unforgettable satisfaction in your heart!
I am glad we girls are able to receive this smile and accomplish this together!
Irreplaceable moments! 

End my day with my favorite City Plaza noodle!

Like ' A packet of  rice ' facebook at

If you are interested to join volunteer work with A packet of rice like us.
Here are the instruction:

You may not be able to make a big different to someone life but you can create a smile on someone face!

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