Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My 妈妈 aka Mummy aka Mother aka Mum aka SuperWomen

Hello, she is someone that all of us call her with all sort pronunciation of the same meaning but we all know she is a superwomen! It May a month to show all your gratitude to your mummy nonetheless everyday is mothers day OK! 

Some of you may know that I am from a single parent family , my mummy had to play the role of daddy since i was very very young . It really not easy with all the pressure she faced and she is always worry that she being low educated may not be able to bring me up well. That why I had nve stray much because mummy told me this  : 没有爸爸也不要让人看不起 after a kindergarten incident that a kid ask me that why I dont have 爸爸。Some dramatic childhood but its all over for good! Mummy is still single now which means because of me she sacrifice her chance to remarry. She was diagnosed with ovary cancer and some illness when I was sec 3 from then on years had been tough financially and mentally. Moved house for more then 3 times since then due to high medical cost we had to support. Luckily she overcome the illness really very blessed and thankful! She is sad that those medication make her fat and her skin dark but mummy you are always beautiful to me! :)

My mummy is someone very simple very kind very easily get cheated . 

My Mummy cant speak English she is able to speak multi dialect and chinese this make me able to help her to translate and read all the ang mo letters for her :)!

My Mummy learn tailoring since young that why I am blessed with a IN MY HOUSE tailor made alteration.

My Mummy is a great chief in da house that why I am always in good appetite for home cooked food!

My Mummy is my best friend yet my worst enemy that I will surrender to every-time!

My Mummy can kill me with her one word reply that I will burst into luffters!!
E.G Me: mummy 你睡了啊?
       Mummy: 不然!

There is soooo much about her I wanna tell you which all that words cant describe..
Thou she always say she is stupid cause she is not highly educated she is simple cause she is not born rich but to me she is the smartest person that can guess every movement and thoughts of mine and  that is so much superwomen task she complete at home which I dont think I can without her! Definitely Mummy, you don't need to be rich for me to love you!


My Chio bu mummy!

She love pom pom hair band like me lols!!

 My 1 Years Old Bday!
Welcome to my 1st party!! cheer up the party ppl!!
 Haha can I eat the duck mummy? they look fat and delicious!

And YESH thats me! Till now i wonder is it my mum always wanted a Boy!

Worst to come... The Coconut hair times!

Dont tell me i look good in this hair....always get mistaken as a ah boy!

Young 高美男

My mum do remember I am a Girl at times. lols
I got real sexy baby curve.

Uni days with mummy!

Poly days with mummy


2013 !

At garden by the bay.

You knw me so well...

2013 CNY!

End off.....
With a SUPER FUNNY Medicated Oil ambassador wanna be Mummy!! lols 

k la
she just trying to tell me to get this at bkk.. lols

Treasure and Appreciate truly...

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