Sunday, May 19, 2013

How to double cleanse my face with cleansing toner

Previously, I posted on the cleansers and exfoliating products I used. 
After cleansing, I also use a cleansing toner to make sure my skin leave no trace of make up before I put on my skin care. 

This is the cleansing toner I use,
ICM Pharma : Witch Hazel & Rose Water Cleansing Toner (Alcohol Free)
Use: After cleansing your skin, pour as needed amount onto cotton pad and swipe gently across face and neck
Witch Hazel: Mainly used externally on sores, bruises, and swelling  witch hazel hydro-sol is used in skin care. It is a strong anti oxidant and astringent , which make it very useful in fighting acne.
It is often used as a natural remedy for psoriasiseczema, aftershave applications, ingrown nails, to prevent sweating of the face, cracked or blistered skin, for treating insect bites, poison ivy, and as a treatment for varicose veins and hemorrhoids
Rose water: A natural mild antiseptic and is recommended for acne and skin irritation, for nourishing and hydrating the skin and face, and for nourishing the body after a shower or bath. Rosewater can be used on its own as a soothing toner and cleanser or combined with other ingredients. It also helps to ease reddened and inflamed skin and is safe to use on children and babies and the elderly.

The best thing I feel about it is......CHEAP like $6.50 stime there is 20% discount somemore.
Its my 3rd bottle already still loving it!!!

I made Choux Bun some days back.
Soo yummy and simple! Simply buy the buns from delifrance and ice cream of your preference and stuff it in the buns and pour some choc syrup!! 
You got some restaurant standard CHOUX BUN!


Think most of you, know that I got a super cute and FLUFFY Guinea Pig call ....PUPU !
Until now, every-time I see her i still feel like shouting : Its so Fluffy and I gonna DIE!!

My client whatapps me this photo today, saying that he found pupu a boyfriend!
Handsome and macho right?
Hope he wont eat pupu...

I won a lucky draw recently from a tidbits shop... I must have buy so much tidbits.
Lucky its some useful stuffs.

I need a PUSH! 

I wanna stop wishing and START DOING!


  1. hi! just wanted to ask where you purchased the toner?


  2. Hello, you can get it at unity pharmacy. Stime some hospital pharmacy have too. Stime unity pharmacy have 20% discount too! :)


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