Friday, May 31, 2013

How to remove my make up..

Here is how I remove my make up.
With make up face,Basically my everyday to work make up is basic to the max : eyebrow,eyes concealer, loose powder, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. 

 The oxidize make up face.

I am using waterproof mascara and eyebrow pencil therefore I am using a eyes and lip make up remover with oil. Currently I am using Biore makeup remover for eye & Lip. Spread the remover (ard the size of ur eyes) to 2 layer of cotton pad , compress onto your eyes for 5 sec. Then swipe off the reminder makeup on your eyes gently.

Like this:

Make sure you remove every residue of your mascara.
You wont want those mascara pigment, permanently absorb to your skin.

 I am trying this Hada Labo Cleansing Oil with High Purity Olive Oil sample.
Pump around 50 cents coin size oil, to your palm and spread to both palm.

 Massage to whole face gently, I say gently means not like scrubbing your clothes k!

Remember to massage area around the side of ur nose and chin, this are the area always have clogs of make up residue leading to white heads.

Finally rinses away the oil remover with water and  follow by your daily facial cleanser. Hada Labo Cleansing oil is surprisingly easy to cleanse off, just with water even its feel so rich in melting away make up on skin and its smell soo green~~~ no tightness and greasy residue after cleansing.

TADA~~ My without make up face.
I am human not angel... so I got pimples and pores like everyone out there.I got BIG pores too k.

 Always make sure you have clean skin before you put on ur skin care! No make up residue is very important!

You wont  want to be like this girl, who never remove her make up for 2 years and her skin is now is two times older then her age!!

Drink more juice girls!! Esp with cranberries!

Its my blog, so sure alot of my face. 
Its Normal!

Till the next post!
Cya all!

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