Thursday, October 31, 2013

(Sponsored) Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion Review

I am doing a full sized give away for my readers. (Scroll down for more details) 

One Drops Locks Up an Ocean!

I am so thankful and glad for the sponsor to review one of my favorite and trusted Japanese drug store brand Hada Labo! I have been using Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion regularly for 3 years, one drop of this amazing hydrating clear lotion still never fail to give me instance ' Boing Boing' Skin.
Thanks Elfaine for always remembering me to be one of the blogger for review!

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion helps to instantly hydrate and replenish and lock in moisture lose during cleansing. Our skin moisture barrier tend to be more delicate and lose of moisture due to cleansing hence using Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion will help to balanced the PH leaving the skin smooth and supple and ready to put on your essences and moisturizer!
Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion is FREE of harmful Alcoa, fragrance, colorant and mineral oil!
A peace of mind on skin daily.

I am going to show the steps on how I use Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion daily.

 Put around 3-4 drops on palm.

'Warm' the lotion by rubbing gently on both palm.

Use Patting motion (up and down motion) gently on all parts of your face!
Don't forget your neck!
You can also use Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion on cotton pad and use as a hydrating double cleansing lotion after cleansing your skin. Just a 50 cents coin on cotton pad and gently wipe and swipe on face 5 important areas ( Both cheek, forehead, chin and nose)

Sometime i just put a drop on my palm, rub and apply on my hair ends, it is quite great for anti frizzing!

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion always leave a satisfying hydrating and dewy skin even at the end of a tire day.

I am giving away a brand new full sized 
Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Milk 
to one of my readers.

All you need to do is to email me at,
Subject: I want to win hada labo hydrating milk!
Content: Your Name and age and contact.
I will pick a winner randomly and register mail to your doorsteps! 
Ending this giveaway at 20th Nov 2013, 2359.

You can redeem a Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Lotion at :

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