Friday, December 26, 2014

MU MIEUX COLLAGEN MU Nutrition+ by Mary Chia


Hello! Today let me introduce to you a collagen beauty drink that I got sponsored to do a review recently, MIEUX by MU Nutrition+Formulated with BHN (Marine) Collagen, enriched with Ceramide and Apple.


A revolutionary new line of nutrition dietary supplements brought to you by MU. Many of us today are often unable to obtain all aspects of our nutritional requirements based on our day-to-day dietary intakes. Living in today’s modern society, we are also exposed daily to high levels of electro-magnetic waves from electronic gadgets (you IPHONE, IPAD whatever you are charging every night) and equipment that we use on a daily basis ( yaya and now I am using my MacAir to blog and get wave-ed) ; this on-going exposure to environmental free radicals and the consumption of processed, genetically-modified foods creates imbalance within our body which can result in long-term detrimental effects on our health and overall well-being.

You can do the comparison of your skin "tire" level by taking a photo in the morning after you wash up and take a photo of at night after you remove all your make up! I tell you, you will be like so stunned that how "tire" your skin is and how much your skin age in a day due to lose of moisture and environment damage! So ladies 8 cups of water a day is a MUST!

One box of MU MIEUX Collagen BeautyDrink S$108 (8 bottles)

Taking regular supplements for your skin is important on top of regular skin care.
I believe the inner glow that every ladies want consist of care of inner health and outer skin.

Some more info:
The MU Nutrition+ range of supplements is designed to address common concerns such as:

- Pre-mature ageing due to loss of collagen and key vitamins for skin and organs
- Improve body’s detoxification abilities
- Enhance gastro-intestinal health by introducing beneficent bacteria (Probiotics)
- Improve overall metabolism and blood circulation
- Block/displace excess fat, sugars and carbohydrates consumed through daily diet
- Enhance overall organ functions
- Increase energy levels and vitality
- Improve immunity

So many benefits right?

So far I had drink 3 bottles across 3 weeks, I had notice my skin is stay more hydrated throughout the day and my skin don't look that tire at the end of the day. I do quite like the apple flavor not too artificial compare to some others beauty drink I have tried. I do agree that these are more expensive beauty drink but I guess for somethings quality=prices?

Like any good lifestyle habits, there is never a better time to start than NOW – start taking responsibility of your health and
wellness today.
Because good health is the greatest wealth of all!

 The Sample Store Exclusive!  

Get ONE (1) box of MU MIEUX Collagen Beauty Drink at only S$88 (UPS$108).
 Complimentary Collagen Facial worth UPS$145/session for 1st 100 readers!

My readers will be entitled to the above exclusive promo by quoting "Raine" and 'Sample Store call 1800 250 2001 for redemption offer valid from 1 Feb - 31 Mar 2015,
 available at Mary Chia/ Urban Homme outlets island-wide.


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