Friday, June 20, 2014

Hello Bali 2014

Hello to the very throwback post of my Jan' 2014 Bali Trip!
Thanks to Banana Boat And KLM for this trip!
*Shall not be wordy hence enjoy the pictures!*

My smiley DD who never fail to make me -_-" and luff like crazy women thout I am already one~
He is super happy because every time we go on a trip, I will be the one doing the research, booking, planning of itinerary to packing of luggage! He just need to remember to bring his passport and himself!  

This cup prints is so lovely

Check in to Amadea Resort & Villas Seminyak Bali,
Jln Laksmana 55, Bali, Indonesia
$106/night Booked at Agoda deals including Airport transfer

As usual, I get hungry every 3 hours though we check in around 9pm, I still insist in ordering room service!
Grilled Calamari with rice and peanut sauce.

Gado Gado with cracker!

I strongly recommend, Amadea Resort & Villas Seminyak Bali to those who are looking for stays that are more accessible to "town" area which means walking distance to most of the restaurants and beach. The staffs are also very friendly and helpful thought we only stay for a night. The bad thing is Seminyak is, it is very commercialized hence you don't get to feel much of the Bali culture, it like everyone there is tourist! 
All the Balinese have excellent customer services and are good in English hence you wont have much communication problem everywhere.

My 2nd day, moving to the 2nd villas I am a super calculative person, we arrive late at Bali hence I don't feel it worth to pay for 1 more day of villa without staying a full day!

My 2nd Stay: The Seriyu Villas
Jl. Drupadi No. 8, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia
Ard $300/night

Spend my 2nd day exploring around Seminyak which is quite boring cos I feel things there is really too commercialized~ only the food is more reasonable.

The Emo dog with 2 pony tail haha~

Went to the beach and had a great time walking down the beach, sharing our dreams and goals, looking at the same direction together :)
Haha the very overrated burger restaurant by tripadvisor which I dont even remb the name.

3rd day.

Breakfast : my dd boring English breakfast lolsss!

My looks good but so-so Japanese breakfast.

Bringing alot of luffters and irritation most of the time~ -_-"

The highly recommended food of this trip found!
Warung Babi Guling Pak Malen
Jalan Sunset Road No. 5, Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia

This is like sooo yummy that I went back twice during this trip!
The most authentic indo food I eat during this trip, I am so glad I found this *cry*

I ordered the Special set with extra topping!
Consist of alot of pork parts in different cooking style which are all soo yummy esp the 

Come with a aroma chicken soup that taste really like mee soto.

The very cute girl who served us food and helped out with her mum and aunties in the store.

We rent a bike for 2 days of our trip which make traveling much more relaxing and convenient.

I look like some weird kid with duper big head.

Last day of my first Bali trip.
We went to Ku De Ta Seminyak to chill and enjoy, last part of of our Bali trip.

Been one always one~ 3 second sleep!

Super glad that we spend this trip without any rush, we just slow down our pace and do anything that comes to our mind randomly!

We end this trip with a good scrub and foot massage~ song ahh~

I am already missing this relaxing trip and

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