Wednesday, January 11, 2017

BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence Drink

 BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence Drink

Hello everyone!
I have been real busy with multiple job nowadays and in a blink of eyes its 2017 now!
Which mean this is the year, I will turn from 2 to the BIG 3...

I must say in my late 20s, I start to really take care of my health and skin!
Other then bottles and bottles of skincare and body lotions, I start taking supplements to boost my health and skin longevity. Haha~ LONG LIVE MY SKIN~

I believe everyone know BRAND’S® for their chicken essences and this well trusted brand had introduces BRAND'S® InnerShine® a modern range of beauty wellness supplements which helps to promote beauty from within!

Thanks for sending me this LOVE which is 
 only exclusively available online at BRAND’S® E-store !

Bottle full of collagen goodness in this one bottle!

What is this made of?
 RubySignature™ formula is created with a unique and precious blend of ingredients derived from natural sources. It contains micro-collagen and one of mother nature’s most powerful antioxidants, astaxanthin (micro-algae extract).

 Scientifically proven, its anti-oxidant power is 
6000 times more powerful than Vitamin C, 
800 times more powerful than CoQ10 and
 500 times more powerful than Vitamin E. 

Collagen is necessary to support the skin’s structural foundation to improve firmness and elasticity for youthful and supple skin.

What is this  Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin, one of Mother Nature’s most powerful anti-oxidant, is scientifically proven to be 800 times more powerful than CoQ10, 6000 times more than Vitamin C, 500 times more than Vitamin E.

 Astaxanthin serves as the perfect complement by acting as a natural shield against the collagen-depleting procedure. In containing both micro-collagen and astaxanthin, 

RubySignature™ formula defies the ageing process by performing a vital triple-action of supplying collagen, protecting against collagen degradation and delivering collagen efectively to skin cells. Designed to complement your topical skincare routine, in 6 weeks experience skin rejuvenating power with BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence*. 

My personal review

After taking  BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence for 2 weeks, my skin was obviously more pump up in term of firmness which I can obviously feel if when I massage my skin. It is more bountiful and firmer skin had create a younger-looking skin appearance! YAY!

I actually look forward to drinking a bottle of RubyCollagen Essence everyday as it is so tasty!
Infused with natural pomegranate juice flavor without tasting to sugar overdosed, my liking!

 As we age, collagen levels in our skin continually dip as its ability to synthesize new collagen begins to diminish. Environmental and lifestyle factors such as ultraviolet (UV) rays, stress, and smoking further accelerate the loss of collagen. In order to fend of the visual signs of aging, it is necessary to not only replenish lost collagen, but also prevent further collagen degradation in the skin from occurring. 

 For optimum efcacy, it is recommended that BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen be consumed twice daily to experience the skin age-reversing diference in 6 weeks*.

BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen makes for a truly delicious treat and an indispensable beauty oral supplement that addresses the heightened needs of aging skin. 

Designed to easily complement your existing topical skin care routine to form a comprehensive beauty regimen, the BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence range is available in both drink and strip formats. Daily consumption will help to ensure that your body is adequately supplied with the essential nutrients for optimal skin support and protection.

 The RubyCollagen Essence range by BRAND’S® InnerShine® is available at all leading pharmacy and personal care stores. 

Price List:
 BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence (50ml x 12): SGD $62.90 
BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence Strip (15g x 10): SGD $36.00

 Buy Now on e-store 

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